Today is Veteran’s Day – 2014

Katie, one of our very best at Ultra Graphics, who I get to work with as our team’s Project Coordinator, came in more cheerful than I’d ever seen her last Tuesday, Election Day. I asked, “Why are you so happy?” Grinning from ear from ear, she retorted, “Today is the best day of the year!” Antagonistically, I asked, “What if your guys don’t win?” Unfaded in her smile, she responded, “Doesn’t matter. Today is the best day of the year because we as a country we still have the right to choose.”

“Today is the best day of the year because we as a country we still have the right to choose.”

We get a lot of rights. We work with thousands of organizations who have rights that allow them to start incredible ventures and carry on incredible visions across our country, and we get to be a part of their journeys here at Ultra Graphics. We get to go to church where we want (or not go, if we feel so inclined). We get to read books we want to read. We get to tell our government when they’re not doing well. We get to dream big dreams, and live them out.


Yesterday at Rotary Club, I watched as a special group of men brought forth The Colors while the whole assembly put their hands over their hearts, sang the National Anthem, and recited the Pledge. As a child, I remember getting the giggles during ceremonial times like this, and my father leaning over and gently putting his hand on my shoulder to quiet my childish rudeness. I reflected on that moment yesterday, and in an instant had such deep respect and gratefulness for my life because of the men and women who signed up for my sake, for a country’s sake, to protect all these rights we have, and can’t wait to teach my son and daughter the same thing my dad did.

Today is Veteran’s Day. To all the men and women who gave up life, on whatever level, for those who engage with terror, who embrace courage, who long for victory and who battle for freedom, thank you. There is no way for me to repay this debt, but please know we’re full of the deepest, proudest gratitude for what you did and do for us. Even though we could never pretend to be with you in combat, we’re with you as a country. Today we celebrate You.

Jon Switzer
Account Executive