Send Us a File

Send a File Form

Fill out the form below to upload your file.

If there is any additional information you'd like to add, feel free to enter it into the message box. Any questions or problems, feel free to contact us here. NOTE: Please keep the file size under 250 megabytes. Keep an eye out for the "success" message that replaces the form to ensure your file is on its way.

Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

Some File Upload Tips

If you’re sending us print-ready art, here are some guides / additional info from our recent news to help you:

In general, we prefer PDFs for printing. PDFs are a universal format that allows for files that contain photos, graphics, text and more in a packaged optimized format.

If you need to send more than 5 files and/or have files from proprietary software (Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, etc…), combine them into a .zip file. In Windows, put all files in a folder together, right click on the folder and choose “Send to” then “Compressed (zipped) Folder”. On a mac, right click the folder of your files and choose “Compress “FOLDERNAME”

Maximum file size: 250MB

If you're uploading large files, please be patient while the form processes.
(Note: If you have specifics like size and paper type, you can list these here as well).
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